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- Anoka Massage & Pain Therapy710 East River Road
Anoka, MN 55303763-421-2807 Clinic Hours
Mon - Fri9:30am-8pmSaturday10am-4pm
Latest Articles:
- • Strategies to Stay Calm and Joyful During the Season •
- • How to Stay Mentally Resilient in the Colder Months •
- • Three Delicious and Healthy Soup Recipes to Keep Warm This Winter •
Nature has a way of providing us with what we need, when we need it. That’s especially
true when it comes to the foods that become available with each season. Autumn brings
with it a bounty of fruits, vegetables, and herbs that nourish the body and support health
and wellbeing. Being aware of seasonal foods and attuning your diet to your body’s
needs is a great way to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.… Read the rest
The One Simple Summer Eating Tip to Make You Feel Fantastic
Healthy eating tips for the summer are a little tricky.
Since the weather is warm, you need light, cooling foods. Juicy peaches, sweet watermelons, tomatoes hot off the vine…The right foods are easy to find. One trip through your garden or a walk through a farmer’s market and you’ll have the perfect summer meal.
But since you’re outside exercising and working in the garden, you build up an appetite.… Read the rest
Sucrose, or sugar as it is commonly known, is currently the most popular sweetener used in the food market today. On a daily basis, the average person obtains almost 20% of their calories from sugar alone. On average, that’s 150 pounds of sugar every year. When ingested, sugar is broken down into compounds that provide quick energy for the body, affecting metabolism and appetite.… Read the rest
Great Taste… And so Much More!
One of the best things you can do for your body is to feed it real, wholesome, nutritious
foods. If you can find locally grown organic products, even better. The benefits of going
organic include less pesticide contamination, higher nutrient content, no genetic
modifications, no irradiation, more humane treatment of animals and respect for the land,
and better taste.… Read the rest
How to Wean from Caffeine
Many people rely on caffeine to get started in the morning or keep going in the afternoon. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks, and many other products. It is generally considered safe when used in moderation. However, if you are sensitive to caffeine or take in large amounts, you may find yourself suffering from side effects including insomnia, tremors, increased blood pressure, and heart palpitations.… Read the rest
7 Superfoods That Can Change Your Life
You are what you eat is an adage that holds more truth than you may realize. Unfortunately, many people today focus their diet around processed foods that are high in sugar, sodium and fat. Diets such as this can increase a person’s risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and more. You can protect your body and health against such illnesses, however, by eating lean meats, fresh vegetables, and by adding the following “superfoods” to your diet.… Read the rest
How To Dine Out If You Have a Food Allergy
Food allergies shouldn’t prevent you from dining out with your friends and family. Unfortunately, though, many people with food allergies resort to cooking their own meals to reduce the risk of an adverse reaction. From dairy and nuts to gluten (wheat-based protein) and shellfish, there are certain foods that people must avoid to prevent adverse reactions.… Read the rest
Healthy Picnic Recipes
Warmer weather is here (finally!) For many of this means picnic and outdoor BBQ season is upon us. Do you feel stuck in a rut bringing the same old tired dish? Or, perhaps you feel like your healthy eating habits have to be banished when bellying up to the buffet. Not so! We asked our Massage Therapists to share their favorite healthy summer gathering dishes.… Read the rest
Healthy Snacks: Eating Kiwis Can Make You Feel Better
The results of a recent study conducted at the University of Otago, in New Zealand, indicate that eating kiwifruit can make one feel better. This is accomplished in two ways: energy is increased and mood is improved. Over a period of six weeks, 54 young and healthy university students consumed kiwis on a daily basis. The study participants were split into two groups.… Read the rest
Healthy Spring Acupuncture Diet
Follow these tips for a healthy spring diet that supports your liver.
- Eat light. Overeating taxes your liver.
- Eat greens. Sprouts, wheatgrass, spinach, kale and dandelions are particularly good foods in the spring.
- Eat sour? Sour is the flavor associated with spring, however sour flavors are only recommended for certain constitutions. Instead of dousing your greens with vinegar or lemon juice dressings, consult with me to find out what flavors are best for you.